6.7 Billion Blogs by April, 2009?

Posted on November 27, 2005

A Dallas News article cites those ridiculous AdAge figures from last month that said US workers will "waste 551,000 years reading blogs" in 2005. The Dallas News article also found another funny projection in the AdAge article that we must have missed last time.

Blog readers have plenty to choose from. Ad Age cites a blog search engine's estimate that the number of blogs is doubling about every five months. At that rate, it says, there will be one blog for each man, woman and child on Earth - all 6.7 billion of them - by April 2009.
Obviously, this won't happen because at some point the rate at which blogs are expanding will slow down. Unless splogs are also counted -- then this unlikely projection of 6.7 billion blogs might come true.

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