FTP Launches Exchange & Outlook Magazine

Posted on August 4, 1999

Fawcette Technical Publications (FTP) has announced the launch of a new, independent magazine serving the technical community growing around Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook. The new magazine, Exchange & Outlook, provides information for both systems administrators and software developers and focuses on business-critical collaboration, messaging, and knowledge management solutions.

"Each FTP magazine provides developers with the help they need to develop enterprise applications better and faster," stated Lynne Matthes, Group Publisher. "In keeping with that tradition, Exchange & Outlook magazine will provide hands-on, how-to, practical strategies to allow professional developers and system administrators to harness the power of Microsoft Exchange as a development platform."

Exchange & Outlook magazine will premiere on October 4, 1999 at the Microsoft Exchange Conference (MEC) in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2000, Exchange & Outlook will become bi-monthly, with a distribution of 40,000 copies to subscribers and newsstand readers.

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