K-Fed Has More MySpace Friends Than Chris Pirillo

Posted on March 16, 2006

Chris Pirillo, a blogger, technologist and founder and publisher of LockerGnome.com, has joined MySpace.com. So far Chris Pirillo has quickly amassed 32 friends. Meanwhile, Kevin Federline (also known as K-Fed), has over 30,000 "friends" on his MySpace.com site. However, Federline started his MySpace account earlier and is married to pop star Britney Spears so he has an unfair advantage. Britney just put K-Fed on a budget so this might make him less popular.

Pirillo's MySpace site is definitely a lot easier to read than the garbled nonsense present on K-Fed's site. As of this writing, neither K-Fed or Chris Pirillo are using the MySpace blog section -- this is typical of most MySpace users.

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