Marcom Exchange Launches Resource for Marketing Communications Professionals

Posted on April 6, 1999

Marcom Exchange has announced the launch of its new online community and resource for marketing communications professionals.

"We are exited about this site's potential to build relationships and foster communications between people in the industry," said Denise Bauwens, one of the founding partners.

Marcom Exchange features Virtual Agency, a forum for teambuilding and networking; Idea Exchange, an online marketing discussion group; Barter Exchange, where members can trade services; and Creative Cafe, a writing, design and creativity workshop. It also offers industry news, a resource directory, reference material, publications, software and links.

Bauwens, a marketing consultant, developed Marcom Exchange with other industry partners who wanted access to marketing communications news, resources, reference material, books, software and information. "We had each uncovered some great marketing and advertising sites, but none offered a comprehensive resource we could use as a launching point for marcom research or discussion," Bauwens said. Most marketing sites are dedicated to web marketing or tied to a specific agency, publication or professional organization, according to Bauwens.

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