Monty Sarhan Relaunches Cracked Magazine

Posted on August 15, 2006

Cracked Magazine, the 48-year-old national publication, officially re-launches today as a general humor magazine for 18- to 34-year-olds. Actor/comedian Michael Ian Black will serve as an Editor-At-Large. The first issue of the all-new Cracked features a spoof of ESPN's popular magazine, an article on celebrity idiots, a periodic table of the '80s and a variety of general humor pieces on pop culture, war and politics.

Cracked was acquired by entrepreneur Monty Sarhan. Sarhan is the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of the humor magazine. It has been on hiatus for a year-and-a-half while undergoing a redesign.

Sarhan says, "We're extremely happy to debut the all-new Cracked. And while the new Cracked is different than its previous incarnation in many ways, it is the same in one essential way: our mission continues to be parodying politics, pop culture and society. The way in which we go about fulfilling that mission is what is entirely new and different. The new Cracked is smart, relevant, sarcastic, clever and biting. Our goal is 'intelligent irreverence,' and we have evolved Cracked into a best-of-breed humor magazine."

Cracked has online humor like Fark and The Onion to compete with so its difficult to see how a print humor magazine will fair. However, the website is already doing well according to Cracked. The site features daily content including comics, videos, links, blogs and general humor pieces.

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