New Blog Offers Commercial Blogging Advice

Posted on November 12, 2005

Search Engine Guide has an article about the launch of a new blog called Performancing, which offers advice about commercial blogging -- with tips on subjects like boosting blog traffic and making money from blogging. The blog's masthead includes several people already active in the blogosphere. Performancing was founded by Patrick Gavin (President of Text Link Ads Inc.) and Nick Wilson (ThreadWatch). The Performacing website says also on the team are Chris Garrett, Andy Hagans, Peter Brady and Philipp Lenssen.

Blogebrity calls Performancing "another contender for worst fake word other than blogebrity."

There seem to be more and more blogs offering advice about how to blog or how to make money from blogs. At some point there will eventually be more advice than is needed. If you can recall the early days of the Internet you will remember that eventually there were overwhelming hordes of websites about HTML, web design, cgi scripts and web promotion. How many of these websites exist today? But for now there is still great demand for blogs like the newly launched Performancing.

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