Two Blogs at Newsday

Posted on January 6, 2006

Newsday has added a couple new blogs. It is using Typepad to host them. The latest blog to launch is called The Way We Work. It is written by Newsday's career and workplace columnist Patricia Kitchen. Kitchen's blog debuted today and so far just has a welcome post

It says, "Welcome to our new blog, The Way We Work, a place we hope you'll visit often for reports and comments on career and workplace issues. For the past 10 years I've written about career/workplace issues for Newsday. Before that I was an editor at McCall's magazine. Before that I was an editor at the American Banker newspaper. And before that, I was a middle school English teacher. So, I'm also a career changer."

Another blog by Newsday at is called Impulse Reviews. This blog contains tv, music and movie reviews by dozens of reviewers. Newsday also had blogs during the New York transit strike. However, These aren't the first blogs by Newsday. The newspaper also had a blog called Politarazzi that it started for the 2004 presidential elections.

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