USC's Elite Master Writers Program Celebrates 25th Anniversary Year

Posted on November 25, 1997

The University of Southern California's Master of Professional Writing Program is celebrating its 25th anniversary year as one of the nation's interdisciplinary graduate writing programs that offers classes in non-fiction, fiction, poetry, playwriting, and screen and television writing.

"The Program's ties to publishers, agents and to stage and film venues bring many opportunities for talented writers, including professional internships and publication of The Southern California Anthology," said Dr. Ragan.

The 30-unit degree program offers a major concentration of 18 units in the genre areas of fiction, poetry, non-fiction and drama-TV-cinema, leading to a final full-length manuscript of publishable quality. Students who would like to take one or more courses for academic credit on an exploratory basis may enroll in courses through USC's registration office.

The USC Professional Writing Program offers a variety of short courses, conferences and internships in writing, editing and publishing. Short courses have included "The Writer's Table" with Beata Pozniak and "Writing Humor" with Shelley Berman.

Conferences have featured authors William Gaddis, Alice Walker and Kurt Vonnegut; playwrights Athol Fugard and Edward Albee; poets Andrei Voznesensky, Galway Kinnell, Allen Ginsberg and Robert Bly; and screenwriters Budd Shulberg and Edmund North.

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