XML Magazine Launched by Fawcette Technical Publications

Posted on September 10, 1999

Fawcette Technical Publications (FTP) has announced the launch of XML magazine. XML magazine is designed to provide information about the architecture and structure of XML. XML magazine will be available on newsstands in early November with a list cover price of $7.95.

"I'm excited to be part of this project," stated Matthew Carter, Publisher. "We have a community of professional XML developers needing immediate information. My goal is to give our readers hands-on, how-to solutions and strategies for incorporating XML into Windows, Java, e-commerce, and Web platforms."

"The initial response to the magazine has been phenomenal," said Paul Spyksma, Director of Sales at FTP. "The major players in enterprise applications understand the importance of creating their own sustainable identity in the XML market, and XML magazine is their best opportunity."

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