Social Media News Archives: Page 6

This is page 6 of the social media news archives.

Calvin Klein Targets Social Networking Teens with IN2U Fragrance (March 8, 2007): Calvin Klein is targeting the young blogging and text messaging crowd with a new fragrance called CK in2u and a new social network called What Are You IN2?.

Cisco Systems Acquires Social Networking Technologies (March 6, 2007): The New York Times recently reports that Cisco Systems, Inc.

Social Network For Seniors Raises $22 Million (March 6, 2007): Eons, a social network that has Jane Seymour as an advisor and it is targeted at the 50+ crowd, has raised $22 million in financing.

Senator Barack Obama Launches Social Network (February 11, 2007): Senator Barack Obama recently announced that he will be running for president in 2008.

Technorati's WTF Means Where's the Fire (January 31, 2007): Technorati may be building a memedigger type of feature for Technorati called WTF.

Should Digg Fear Pligg? (January 6, 2007): A post on Cornwall SEO asks if open source software products like the Pligg CMS could lead to the downfall of Digg.

Teens Seek Social Networks With Less Rules (January 2, 2007): Are teens leaving MySpace for new social networks with less rules? The New York Times seems to think so.

Marmalade Instead of MySpace the Magazine (December 19, 2006): There will be no MySpace the Magazine as was previously reported.

You Are Time's Person of the Year (December 16, 2006): You are Time's new Person of the Year.

Facebook Now Not For Sale (December 15, 2006): Facebook is a social network that became very popular by focusing on high school and college students.

Stupid User Generated Content Aggregators (December 12, 2006): Are some of the most successful websites really just aggregators of massive amounts of stupid content and hideous templates? Aaron Swartz included a theory called "The Stupidity of Crowds" in his post on his Raw Thought blog about the habits of the most successful websites.

IAC Debuts Zwinky Avatar Service (December 11, 2006): IAC, the holder of some major website including Ask.

Portland Trail Blazers Fans Get Social Network (October 21, 2006): InternetNews.

CrackSpace or Hip Hop Crack (October 18, 2006): A new social network focusing on hip hop music is named either called CrackSpace or Hip Hop Crack.

MTV Buys Quizilla (October 17, 2006): MTV has purchased Quizilla, a website popular with teens that lets you create and answer quizzes.

Grownups Flock to Social Networks (October 6, 2006): Teenagers now share social networking hubs with people in their 30s, 40s and 50s according to a new report from comScore.

Will Facebook, Technorati or YouTube be the Next Big Web 2.0 Sale? (September 22, 2006): Bloggers are discussing a possible Yahoo bid to buy Facebook.

Microsoft Launches MSN Soapbox (September 21, 2006): Microsoft has announced the launch of a video sharing service called MSN Soapbox.

MySpace: A Magazine for Friends? (September 5, 2006): MySpace may or may not be launching a magazine in the future. If they do publish a print magazine it could be through a collaboration with Nylon magazine.

Tamara Hoover Resigns After Settlement (August 21, 2006): Remember Tamara Hoover, the Austin high school teacher who was escorted from the school after partially nude photographs of her were discovered on Flickr? She was the #1 Technorati search term for a day or two back in June.